KPDNKK to investigate complaint about unchanged prices after zero-rated GST

Md Nawawi Abdul Rahman

KUCHING, June 4: The Ministry of Domestic Trade, Co-operatives and Consumerism (KPDNKK) will look into a public complaint about an eatery in the state that did not lower its prices after June 1.

The customer produced a receipt showing that he had spent RM2.20 for a canned soya bean drink and said that was the same price that he paid even before June 1.

On the receipt, there is a Goods and Services Tax (GST) serial number, and it was stated that GST was zero per cent.


The consumer claimed that the price paid before and after June 1 was the same.

KPDNKK personnel responded to the complaint, saying that the ministry will send a team to the premises concerned to follow up on it.

Meanwhile, KPDNKK deputy director Mohd Nawawi Abdul Rahman said as of June 1, the department has received 14 complaints.

These cases comprise five from Miri, four from Kuching, two from Bintulu while Sibu, Sri Aman and Mukah has one case each.

The most common complaint lodged was that, after June 1, business operators did not lower the prices of their goods. — DayakDaily
