15th Int’l Sago Symposium from Sept 23-26 to focus on sago palm’s potential

File photo of palm leaves. Photo courtesy: Pixabay

By DayakDaily Team

KUCHING, April 22: The Sarawak Tropical Peat Research Institute (TROPI) will host the ‘15th International Sago Symposium 2024’ from September 23 to 26.

With the theme ‘Unlocking the Potential of Sago Palm: Towards Sustainable Food Systems and Environmental Restoration’, it is dedicated to advancing knowledge of the significant nutritional and environmental benefits of sago palm.


According to an announcement notice issued by TROPI, the symposium is pivotal for anyone interested in sustainable agriculture, food security, and environmental conservation with the aim of elevating the global status of sago palm as a vital, sustainable food source that also plays a critical role in restoring and rehabilitating tropical peatlands.

“Our objectives include raising global awareness about the benefits of sago palm cultivation, aligning its cultivation with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, and fostering international research and innovation.

“We will also focus on strengthening policy support and investment for its cultivation and use, as well as enhancing knowledge exchange and capacity building across various sectors.

“This gathering is a unique opportunity to contribute to a global campaign that not only aims to end hunger but also to promote sustainable agriculture practices and take action on climate change,” it said.

Under the organising chairmanship of TROPI director Datu Dr Lulie Melling, the four-day event is co-organised with the Malaysian Peat Society (MPS), Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM), and the Society of Sago Palm Studies (SSPS).

For more information, please visit TROPI’s official website: http://sarawaktropi.my/. — DayakDaily
