12yo girl, 14yo charged with possession of stolen motorcycle

File photo for illustration purposes only.

KUCHING, March 28: A 12-year-old girl has been ordered by the Magistrate’s Court to attend Sekolah Tunas Bakti Miri for three years for the offense of possessing a stolen Honda motorcycle last February.

Meanwhile, another 14-year-old accomplice was ordered to complete one year of good behavior bond for the same offense.

Magistrate Zubaidah Sharkawi issued the order after hearing reports on the moral conduct of both accused individuals from the Department of Social Welfare today.


The two children admitted guilt to the charges under Section 411 of the Penal Code and were read together with Section 34 of the same code.

According to the charges, they jointly possessed stolen property, a Honda motorcycle belonging to a 57-year-old man, on Jalan Bandar Baru Samariang around 10am on Feb 4.

The complainant reported to the police that his motorcycle, parked in front of his house, had been stolen.

Later, around 8.30pm, the police successfully apprehended both accused on the side of Jalan Bandar Baru Samariang using a motorcycle believed to be stolen.

Investigation revealed that both accused had been in possession of stolen property, namely a motorcycle.

Based on the engine chassis number, the motorcycle was confirmed to belong to the victim.

The prosecution was handled by Inspector Nur Shafiqa Nyaie Ilin, while the accused were not represented by a lawyer. — DayakDaily
