104 Kpg Bunga Rampai folks receive offer letters for affordable houses

Sim (second left) presenting the Letter of Offer to one of the RMM house recipients, while Batu Kitang assemblyman Lo Khere Chiang (center) and the others look on.

KUCHING, Jan 7: A total of 104 recipients from Kampung Bunga Rampai in Bau, received their offer letters for their new houses under the Affordable Home Project (Rumah Mampu Milik or RMM) provided by the State government.

According to the Local Government and Housing Minister Dato Sri Sim Kui Hian, the houses are the first batch of the project that were being implemented throughout the state.

“Last year, the Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg announced that Sarawak will build 2,500 units of houses because when the Pakatan Harapan (PH) government took over in 2018, they did not provide us with the funds to build the low-cost houses.


“So the Kampung Bunga Rampai here is the first batch of the houses, apart from the 2500 unit, and more than 104 successful recipients will be able to get their letter of offer for their houses,” he said during a press conference held after the Letter of Offer presentation ceremony held at Kampung Bunga Rampai Community Hall, in Bau, today.

Sim also noted that the Sarawak government under the Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) also came out with its own financial institution to help those recipients to finance their loan for the houses.

He said many of the recipients here could not borrow the money from the bank and the bank would not lend them the money (to finance the house).

“Through Mutiara Finance, which is 100 per cent Sarawak government-owned, we would lend the money ourselves to the people so that they can afford the house,” he added.

Sim pointed out that every house that is financed under the Mutiara Finance would only need to pay for about RM200 to RM300 plus every month.

“All together, we will build more than 2,500 units of houses that the Chief Minister targeted for the Housing Development Corporation (HDC), and the reason we build many units is that we think it is important to us Sarawakians.

“If you buy a car, it will depreciate in value, if you buy a house, for many years, you will have a roof and the house prices will go up in value.

“That is why the GPS government wants to help as many Sarawakian to own a house as possible,” he said. –DayakDaily.
