1,000 hit the streets for charity in a show of unity

Wee (left) and Foo (second left) flagging off the runners at the Padingan Cat Run 3.0 at the MBKS complex compound.

KUCHING, Oct 21: The Padungan Cat Run 3.0 contributed RM5,000 out of the funds raised from the charity run to Hope Place Kuching.

Despite falling short of its targeted goal to raise at least RM20,000 to be donated to charity, the organiser Youth Movement Malaysia (YMM) Padungan through its chairwoman Elica Boon thanked participants willing to brave the cold early Sunday morning to run at the South Kuching City Commission (MBKS) headquarters here in the name of charity.

Guest-of-honour Datuk Wee Hong Seng, who is the North Kuching City Hall (DBKU) commissioner, said the participants played an important role in the charity event, not just because they attended it but also because of their spirit of togetherness and charity.


He urged participants to continue to uphold the spirit as it was what Sarawak is all about.

Foo (second left) presenting a token of appreciation to Wee (centre) after the Padungan Cat Run 3.0 at MBKS here this morning.

“You have played an important role on the togetherness in unity of that what we, Sarawak, are proud of.

“So please keep on with the togetherness for our beautiful Sarawak and please keep the Sarawak spirit up high,” he said.

About 1,000 runners participated in the Padungan Cat Run 3.0 this year, which was a little lesser than last year the organiser noted. The run was divided into three categories — 10km, 5km and 3km.

The guest-of-honour Minister of Housing and Local Government Datuk Dr Sim Kui Hian, who was supposed to officiate at and flag off the run, was represented by Sarawak United Peoples’ Party (SUPP) Youth Secretary-General Milton Foo.

Dr Sim was in Kuala Lumpur for the Lan Berambeh Anak Sarawak 2018. — DayakDaily
